
Micro-project 2

Ten objects:
1. The four treasures of the study - writing brush, ink-stick, paper and ink stone
    I like the traditional writing tool set. The history of the writing set traces back to over a thousand years ago. It makes me feel peaceful when I practice writing with it. Also, it is a good way to calm me down when my emotion is unstable. 
  •  History and peaceful   
2. laptop
    This laptop has very advanced devices. I bought it for the purpose of playing games. I care a lot about the performance of a computer. I am very satisfied with this laptop because it meets my requirement of speed and quality. 

  • Efficient and demanding

3. iphone4
    I like iphone because it can run Chinese chat softwares by which I can talk with my friends in China for free. Also, I like the beautiful design and the how humanity it is.

  • Communication and appearance

4. Beethoven Sonata Scale book
   I played piano since I was 8. Beethoven is my favorite pianist. I admire his life spirit and his talent. This scale book includes all of his's sonatas which well indicate his personalities. 

  • Art and Beethoven fan

5. Yoga blanket
   I am not good at yoga but I like it because it is a very healthy way to lose weight. It is also an easy way to take physical exercise because I do not need to go to RPAC. I can just stay at home and practice by myself. 

  • Healthy

6. Sun glasses
   I bring sun glasses every where because I am very sensitive to sun light although it is dim to other people. This pair of sun glasses are my favorite because it looks so cool and protect me from the sun light.  

  • Sensitive
7. Vacuum
   I like to keep my room clean all the time. This vacuum helps me a lot. My roommate looked a bunch of customer reviews and finally picked this one. 

  • Cleanliness
8. Slippers
   I bought them with my roommate. We always buy the same stuff but different colors. We feel it is interesting. Also, it is a way to show that we are the best friends. 
  • Friendship
9. Car
   It is a scion tC. I like it so much because it is my first car which means a lot to me. I picked it because of the blue color and the double ceiling windows. I like driving especially speed driving. It always makes me so anxious when I have to wait for traffic lights. 
  • Adventure and impatience
10. Notes
   I bring the small note book every day because I always forget things. I have to write down every important thing on it. It is a good reminder and helps me a lot. 
  • Forgetful 

I think this picture shows the most of my personalities because every object I picked is very unique and special compared with my other stuff. I combined them together with a house which looks like a link between them. The texts followed a certain path as same as the house's framework. My favorite part of this picture is the sunglass on the chimney because it makes the house look like a person. Moreover, it is kind of showing all of the objects belong to one person and they have some sort of interaction. They are independent objects but have no contradictions when they are assembled together. What it does not tell about me is my interest of art. Maybe it is hard to present sort of potential emotion. 




Artist:  Alexis Rockman
Title:   Airport
Media: adhering objects to a digital photograph and then applying layers of synthetic resin to create an impenetrable block
Date: 1997

        An airport with a white airplane and several birds as the background. 
        A big engine at the center of the picture with a couple of blooding birds inside it 
        It shows the human society's impact to its co-habitating species. It reminds us that our modern society actually has a lot of damages to the natural world that we have never realized. 
Big idea-
        human society and natural species. 

When I saw those birds collided with the jet engine, I feel really painful. The engine looks like a big eye and I thought it may mean that we should pay more attention to the world. 

Another piece by Rockman:
The Conversation, 2001

Object of Desire


Artist: Alexis Rockman
Title: Object of Desire
Media: painting
Date: 1988

          A body of a small mammal is overwhelmed by a mass of green beetles. 

          It shows a visceral sense of natural consumption and an inexorable cycle of life and death. The yellow color indicates a sense of decay.

Big idea-
         Rockman's painting is mainly about the natural history. He presents a vision of nature. 

When I looked at this picture, I feel very sad because of the small mammal's death. However, the whole picture did not show too much sorrow. It indicated a natural principle of life cycle which make me feel so small in the natural world.



I drove to the class today and tried to arrive within 10 minutes as the google map said. However, there were a lot of cars in the morning. I was a little impatient counting on the numbers of red lights that I met. So I turned on the CD player in order to relieve the anxiety. There are two road works on my way to the school but the lanes are not closed every day. However, both of them were closed today which made me disappointed. A special area that I paid attention to was a corner that towards to three different ways. It was easy to make a wrong choice. After this corner, I supposed to turn on the west broadway but I missed it. So I had to keep on the kenny road until I saw a white and red building located at kenny and woody hayes Dr. I made a left turn there and quickly reached to the tuttle park garage. Finally it took me less than 3 minutes walking to the classroom.

Explanation of the project -
          I chose a map as the background according to the idea of universal map. Listening to the music helped me to kill the time wasted on the red lights and traffic jams. So I draw an ear as my way to the school and a earphone to show I was listening to the music all the way. The text included my home address and destination was used to connect the two places. A small picture placed on the yellow ear path represented my car running on the road. Another small picture and the big picture were used to show the two road works. The road closed sign, stop sign and traffic light presented my impatience during my journey. Finally, th gold text on the bottom right was the statement that showed my main topic: an unusual long journey to the class.

I am trying to show my unique journey which presents my personal characters. I do not have much patience so the red lights and road works made me very anxious. On the other hand, I love music so I choose music to relieve my anxiety.

Explanation of tool used:

I used several layers to separate the elements. The tools I used included transparency and blending when I mixed pictures together. I also used the arrange tool to place certain pictures front of others. I used transform tool to scale, rotate, and wrap pictures and text. Filter galley was used in some pictures in order to get some special outlooks such as the background, house and ohio stadium. Wrap text was also used. Brush and rectangle tool were used to draw the ear, stop sign, traffic lights, etc.