
Final project

Big idea:  existence

        I believe the existence of multiple worlds or spaces. I think there are more than one world exist at the same time. There are just some unknown boundaries between each other to make sure that every world is independent. So if we find these "doors", we can travel through different worlds.  Moreover, we can travel to the past. At this point, we are actually getting rid of the time. However, these different worlds are not 100% independent. They have some similarities. For example, they may have the same buildings but different functions or meanings. It looks like a question with 4 choices. Each world seems like one choice. With different choices, the original question will go to 4 different results. In this case, it establishes 4 worlds. Life is making choices and each time you pick up one answer, the other may happen in another world.

        I want to show this idea using three images. The first one will show that the past world exists with our current world at the same time. The second images will show the idea of "doors" between different worlds. The third image will combine the first one and the second one together to get an overall view of the whole system.
I will use online photos or take some photos by myself. I may use a cube to show the existence of multiple worlds and also show the existence of "doors". I may also use roll films to show the past worlds and the current worlds.
        In the first image, I use three rolls to represent three worlds: 18th century in China, 17th century in European and the 21st century now. This picture shows that the past worlds can still exist now. The "past world" is not the common meaning. Our common sense of the past is like going back on the same roll. However, my opinion of past is jumping from a present world on one roll to a past world on another roll. The reason of the coexistence of both past world and present world is the different running speeds of these rolls. Taking this picture as an example, these three rolls have different speeds. The 21st century roll runs fastest and the 17th century roll runs slowest. In other words, we can travel from the world we are currently living to another world which runs slower so that it looks like we go back to the past.
        In order to deliver this idea, I selected three film strips, distorting and wraping them to get a 3D feeling. I also picked up some pictures which represent a specific period of time and added them onto each strip. I changed each small picture's option degree in order to make them as a sequence. Besides, the background is made by three layers showing a mysterious feeling. The bottom one is a black layer. The middle one has these radiative lines. The top layer gives the picture a purple color in the center area which will play a connection with the second image as bellow.

        The second picture also has three worlds. This picture shows the idea of "doors" between worlds and both the indenpendence and similarities between different worlds. In this picture, the similarity between each world is the existence of the Pyramids and also the existence of me myself. As I mentioned above, althrough they have the similar object, the functions and meanings are different. In the world we are living shown on the top side, Pyramids are kind of tourist attraction in Egpyt. So I made myself as a tourist on the  top side to represent the world we are currently living. The front side and right side are two unknown worlds. The Pyramids in the front side world are more like a working space while they look like a geographic landscape in the right side world. The key element of the second image is the door on the front side of the cube. It shows the path between the top world and the front world. It indicates the existence of access between different worlds. Overall, we can see the person on the right side world come to our world on the top and then go down to another unknown world on the front side. 
        I use a cube to represent the travel mechanism between different worlds. It also tell us that living on the different sides makes us very hard to find the existence of another world. Just like we cannot see anything on the front side if we are standing on the top side. I think it also make sense that why our Earth is a sphere instead of a cube. Moreover, the color behind the door is very similar with the first image above. This shows a kind of relationship between two images.  The first image could be an amplificatory view of the world behind the door in the second picture but it could also  the "rail way" inside the cube as bellow: 

        The last image combines the first image and the second image. In this image, the idea of multiple worlds and the idea of traveling are able to present together. The film strips are like the "rail ways" inside the cube. Usually the railways go separately but at some points they go into one way and separate back later. Walking across different sides is more like catching the time when two railways combine together. In other words, the rolls crossing the cube represent the invisible mechanism inside the cube that allow people traveling through different worlds.  

